About Us
We are a leading chartered accountants firm, with head office in Pune rendering comprehensive professional services. Firm's constant endeavor is to provide professional services with high quality and speed and integrating value added knowledge for our clients and society as a whole.
Our professional approach blended with personal touch has earned the firm enormous confidence of all our clients, which is reflected in an enduring business relationship that we enjoys with them and also in the consistent growth in portfolio of our services. The firm regards the provision of a personal, high quality service to the clients as an absolute priority
With 'High Quality, Fast Service, Affordable Cost' as an ultimate aspiration, vision is to nurture a professional firm of repute which is competitive, dynamic and focused team leader in the areas of our operation, providing the best opportunity to progress and grow to all those who are associated with us and also serving the best interests of the clients. Excellence, Integrity and Independence, the Motto of our Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, is the ultimate objective of the Firm in all our professional commitments.
The firm's office is fully equipped with modern infrastructure. Do write to us or speak to us for any assistance. We are always there with you for all of your professional needs. Lookng forward for long and lasting relations with you.